Thursday, October 18, 2007

lib 2.0, 1 thing from this week, #15

so I'm reading this library 2.0 stuff:
1. "allows anyone using Open WorldCat to contribute and share tables of contents, notes and reviews"(Nilges)---so does this mean I can make nasty remarks about the idiots at LC who don't catalogue things very well? sorry, the only example I can come up with right now is that Walt Disney princess storybook thing that came in as a 398.. Now, it didn't have a CIP, so maybe I could blame Brodart for cataloguing it that way, but I checked OCLC and it was catalogued there as 398. (!) Thankfully Bill accepted my request for catalogue change, and Disney is out of folklore and back to fiction where it belongs.

2. as far as all this web stuff and taking it to the people (at home, school, work), yeah, yeah, but people still come in and *I* am still expected to know what every book is about, what reading level it is, etc. I think that people will still rather wander around and look at the books to pick one out, than surf book reviews. (maybe this only applies to kids, I don't know, I don't do reader's advisory with grown ups if I can help it)

"People will collect librarians rather than books—the ability not just to organise, but also to annotate and compare books and other information sources, from a variety of useful perspectives" (Schultz) mmmm, maybe avid readers like ones who already use Novelist, but those 6th grader non-reading boys looking for a 375 historical fiction set during WW2....

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